Rating: 5 out of 5.

Chalk in one hand and bacon in the other. The Scullery specializes in giving you treats you didn’t know you needed. Tap into your inner child and draw on their chalkboard tables while at brunch.

Downtown Greenville Parking

The Scullery is hidden in plain sight. The simple corner location in downtown Greenville suits the icon in more ways than one. It shares the space with other local giants like Pitt Street Brewery, Amante Tacos and even Uptown Brewery.

You should have no issue with finding the location. I recommend plotting a course based on parking first. There is a great public parking area cattycorner to the restaurant. If you need other alternatives, check out the official Greenville parking map here. Some peak times like during ECU game days, and common holidays may cause these areas to be packed. Nonetheless, we have yet to have an issues with downtown parking.

Chalky Tables

The Scullery is not the average greasy spoon. This place has pizazz and a lot of it. This trendy community kitchen really makes and effort to be be different, fun and just an all around great experience. For starters, there is a book case full of kids books right at where you place your order. When Madilyn realized these were for her to borrow, she was ecstatic.

The décor has focuses on a pop-culture and retro vibe that gave the Scullery an aura of sophistication. This clashes with the chalk on the tables a little bit. The Tables are basically massive chalk boards and there is a small cup of chalk colors. Madilyn went nuts at this point and we started to wonder if we were going to be able to ever leave.

We came first thing on a Saturday for breakfast. Pulling into the parking lot just before they opened, I noticed a line outside the door. After we got inside, it is clear that there are quite a few viciously loyal fans that make a point to be first through the door.

Breakfast Food!

Food at the Scullery is mainly breakfast and lunch. Nothing was especially amazing about what we got but we were satisfied and full. They have a few funny names like “Hungry Pirate Breakfast” and “Big Dog Double Decker” but most of the menu is straight forward.

They do have an extensive variety of drinks. Coffee varieties are understandably a big part of their business but they also have some wine and other light wine mixers you can look at for lunch. I do appreciate the simplicity of their menu. There is very little guess work and the fact that the menu is small means that the kitchen staff can focus on improving on awesome rather than trying to learn something complex.

Like I mentioned earlier, this is a very community centered experience. So, it makes sense that the local vendors that they get their ingredients from are shown on the menu. It makes me happy to see them taking advantage of the fact that Greenville is in the heart of rural Eastern NC,

Chalk Tables and Elvis

With so much stress in many of our lives, it is nice to be able to kick back and color a little some days. The Scullery is exactly what the doctor ordered for me that day. The Chalk tables, fun décor and kids books were absolute delights for us.



The Scullery is a community centered breakfast and lunch master in Greenville. We fully enjoyed all the small things this restaurant has to offer and have already gone back since our initial visit. Highly recommend checking out for breakfast.

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