We have covered Anita’s and Mario’s in previous post. Since they are so close to each other can share so many similarities, we needed to make an evaluation of which one is truly better. Both are found in Greenville NC in a hard to find setting but are only 3-5 minutes away from each other. Both are staffed by a loyal crew that makes some amazing family Mexican recipes that feeds mostly construction workers, laborers and locals in the know.  And Both might be mistaken for being closed if you didn’t know better.

We first came upon Anita’s when we first moved to the area and just recently in 2022 found Mario’s thanks to Kaitlyn’s intuition. We both find ourselves recommending this these places to friends in the area for great food, but which one is better? What is Best Mexican Food in Greenville


Well if you have read my previous articles on Anita’s and Mario’s you might think this is an open and shut case. I ranked Anita’s 5 stars and Mario’s 4 stars, so what is there to discuss? Well… a lot!


Normally, hours of operation is not a key topic of comparison but in this case it is critical. Anita’s is originally a food truck that turned its prep kitchen into a profitable restaurant during the week. As a result, they are only open at their brick and mortar store during the week and only for lunch at that.

Mario’s on the other had is a restaurant first and foremost (and a convenience store second I guess). So they have a normal setup for store house that allows you to get a great taco or burrito fur dinner and on the weekend.

               I have to give this one to Mario’s for shear availability.


First off, I have not have every item on these menus so forgive me if I have not tried your super special menu option here. That being said, these both have a great selection of authentic menu selection that are honestly delicious. Both have a simple selection of 3 sauces: sweet, mild, hawt (yes I know how I spelled it).

Kaitlyn has realized that the staff at Marios has actively tried to steer her away from the hawt sauce on multiple occasions. For all the menu items I have tried, I have enjoyed them all about the same between both places but Anita’s keeps me coming back with their MASSIVE burritos.

For the volume of burrito alone, Anita’s eeks this one out.


Lets break this down to Efficiency/Speed and Extras


I am an engineer by schooling and profession in every sense of the word so I am constantly looking at efficiency and optimization. Anita’s has a more seamless experience in the way their store is organized and how they process guest. This likely stems from their experience as a food truck. Mario’s on the other hand has several tables that awkwardly block the register. On top of that, it was a little comical that they taped over their TV menu to put new prices on it.

Now Anita’s is not without fault here . They have nearly 0 space to form a line to order so it backs out the door every time we come. Since there is only one entrance/exit to the building this makes for an awkward entrance area. The addition of a second door or widening the door to have an in and an out would take care of this.

This I am going to give to Anita’s.


Aside from food and quirky seating, That’s it for Anita’s. Nothing wrong with that but who does not like a little extra game or something else to do? That is why Yoder’s is so popular with the massive General store that include live chickens.

Mario’s is unafraid to be a little more. There is a small convenience store attached that has quite a few items that appear to be direct imports from south of the boarder and are popular with their target audience. In fact, I think they sell most of what you need to get your own taco kitchen going at home.

This one is going to go to Mario’s.


So Who’s the Best?

Based on these facts, we believe that the Best Mexican Food in Greenville as of 2022 is…

Despite their availability issues, their food and simple approach shined through. This was honestly a close call and Mario’s should be proud of the establishment they have. Check them both out and support local businesses!: Best Mexican Food in Greenville? Mario’s Tacos VS Anita’s Restaurant

Comment below who we should compare next! Should do a rematch with Amante’s? Compare Simply Natural with Howling Cow Creamery or Maple View? You tell us!

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  1. Wendy Diaz

    Anita’s Mexican Resturant Hands Down!

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