Rating: 3 out of 5.

The Simply Natural Greenville location is a great ice cream shop reminiscent of the near by Simply Natural location in Greene County. Kick back with your friends and family in the convenient location with some locally made ice cream.

Wait Isn’t There Another One?

Yes. Before we go any farther, there are two Simply Natural Locations in the Greenville area. One is the actual Simply Natural Creamery and Farm in Greene County and this one is a shop that just serves Simply Natural ice cream. This location is in the Greenville Square Shopping Center across from the Greenville Mall. There is another shop in Morehead city.

Parking is tricky here. If you plan on coming during a busy time or have a larger vehicle, you should consider parking behind the main building. That area is the main parking area for the shopping center.

Which Toppings are Included?

If you have already visited the Creamery location, you will have an image of a farm, playground, creamery and farm tours. These shops are simply a place to purchase their products and sit. You might compare it to a Ben and Jerry’s or Baskin Robins.

The seating area is exclusively indoor here. A little odd considering the main location has such a large outdoor element. Nonetheless, the seating area is similarly themed as the flagship location. There is a limited selection of local goods and Simply Natural merchandise if you are interested. Simply Natural Greenville also offers their other dairy products for sale along the back wall. These can also be found in most local grocery stores in the Pitt County area.

I found the seating area to be a bit on the small side. People often use this as a local gathering place and it can be a little hard finding seats for big groups or during busy hours. At the main Greene County location, this is a non-issue with the expansive outdoor seating areas. Here there are no other places to walk to or sit besides your own car.

Flavors on Flavors

We have come to the Simply Natural locations a fair number of times over the last year and we have had the opportunity to try quite a few different flavors. Here are my insights on a few of the flavors I have tried to date:

  • Vanilla: classic, smooth and delicious. Great crowd pleaser for picky eaters and lovers of ice cream classics.
  • Watermelon sorbet: Tried this on a whim when I was not in the mood for ice cream. Great flavor punch and easy to eat. This is one of their seasonal flavors but they do typically keep a sorbet of some kind in stock.
  • Chocolate: Another great classic. Not too heavy and easy to get down. Madilyn has recently shown to really love this flavor. I am a big lover of chocolate so it makes me happy to see that she has my same taste.
  • Gimme Smore’s: Oh man. I love smore’s flavored ice cream as a general rule. This one is a great contender but I believe it is also a seasonal flavor. They did not have it when I came by recently. This is very similar to my other favorite flavor at the Howling Cow Creamery.
  • Double dark chocolate: Though I love chocolate, I find their double chocolate to be a little too thick. It has a fudgy consistency that makes it hard to scoop with a spoon. It also has a chewiness that I am not a fan of.
  • Mint chocolate chip: My sister Meredith had this when she visited and loved it. People tend to feel strongly about this flavor. If you are a fan of the MCC ice cream, this is a great local version.

There are so many more flavor and they are typically available at all locations including the Simply Natural Production facility in Greene County. Each season there is typically a new set of flavors. Some are annual (like eggnog every winter) others are entirely new each season.

One gripe I do have is with the TV Menu. The flavors are listed on the TV behind the counter but it cycles between a few slides. Only one of which is the menu. This makes it a little hard to figure out what you want. There are lots of options and some have funny little names that you might have a hard time remembering. I would prefer the menu slide stay up all the time but maybe it is just me.



Simply Natural Greenville offers a great opportunity to sit down with some great locally made ice cream with friends. Considering how close it is to their main location in Greene county, we tend to drive the extra few minutes for the added space, parking, playground and the baby cow. Not bad but I think they could do a little better with this location.

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