Rating: 4 out of 5.

Put the Biscuit in your head hole! Biscuit head is a great family friendly venue for breakfast any day. West Ashville is calling your name

Nothing Beats The Original

OG Biscuit head is located in West Asheville on the main road. There are locations also in the lesser Carolina and other parts of Asheville. Parking is out back and fairly accessable. I do not recommend parking on the street. Like all of Asheville, this parking lot is paid. We came during prime breakfast time and had no issues finding a spot. The very pictureque front entrance is on the opposite side of the building from the parking lot. Do not worry. You can also enter from back with the handicap accessable entrance. Watch your step though, the ramp was icy on the normal December day we were there.

Cozy and Local

Like so many Ashville shops, Buiscuit Head is a cozy esthetic and rather authentic. We loved the original features of the building and how inviting the atmosphere felt. You can just as easily come in for the first time as you could as a regular. Some Asheville eateries go a little overboard on the estheics but Biscuit Head gets it just right. A little quirky but nothing too much and honestly, still well polished.

Put The Biscuit in Your Head Hole

If I had a dollar for every local breakfast shop I have been to, I would have like 40$. Like the name says, they do biscuits. Damn good fluffy biscuits too. I was a little hung over from a bit too much champagne the night before so I kept it simple. Eggs, bacon and a biscuit since it was in the name. Good lord I cleaned that plate, downed the coffee and was strongly considering seconds. The food was filling, what I expected and had a little flair that was pure Asheville. Kaitlyn was a bit more adventurous with waffles and chicken style special of the day. She did not quite finish it but loved it. Portions were perfect. We opted for some simple coffee arrangements for they they had some great specialty drinks if you are interested.

Simplicity Done Excellently

No gimmicks, no silly frills. Biscuit head executes on simplicity to an level of excellence you wish you could replicate. We loved our experience and recommend you stop in when you are in West Ashville for your next brunch or breakfast.



We really enjoyed our experience at Biscuit Head and think you will too. Often we like to fill up these article with lots of descriptions but Biscuit head was a simple pleasure you need to experience to fully appreciate.

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