Rating: 4 out of 5.

Who knew that robot dolphins would be such a big hit? The Fort Fisher Aquarium draws in crowds with its massive atrium not far from Wilmington. Pet the horseshoe crabs while you’re there too!

Right Where You Want It

Located just South of Wilmington is the Fort Fisher Aquarium. This area is sandwiched between a Ferry Terminal and Kure & Carolina Beach. You will undoubtedly find yourself traveling through Wilmington and past all of these beaches to get to the Aquarium. Many people choose to pair a day trip to either Wilmington and or the beach when they visit.

Parking is laid out nearly identically to the Pine Knoll shores Aquarium. They even have the same sculpture out front. Outside of peak times during some of the summer months, you should not have an issue with parking. Accessibility is not an issue here either.

You will have to reserve tickets BEFORE you come. This is likely a hold over from COVID but it seems to make sense. It prevents overcrowding of the exhibits and can also help Aquarium staff based on anticipated demand rather than just historic data. If you are an NC Zoo Member or other America Zoo Associate affiliate, you can get in at no cost. Be sure you select the appropriate ticket type.

Walking Into The Ocean

Like the Pine Knoll Shores aquarium, the Fort Fisher Aquarium is made up of a winding set of exhibits that are designed for you to follow from beginning to end. You do not need a map to find your way through here but it certainly helps.

Cape Fear Conservatory

Just past the lobby is a large atrium style space called the Cape Fear Conservatory. With how high the ceilings are, I almost expect to see birds flying about in this space. I found this the most impressive area. There are various fish and wild life exhibits through out the area that mimic what you might find in the area.

The Otters were particularly lively when we came. The fish tanks are a little hard to see since area is so well lit. It gave me a good understanding as to why so many aquariums are dark. There are turtles, owls and other reptiles in the area too. We did not dwell here too long because Madilyn wanted to see some more fish.

Touch Tank

In the next area, you will find the touch tank and Coastal Waters section. This is exactly what it sounds like. The touch tank is an opportunity to interact with some of horseshoe crabs and also small stingrays. Madilyn has not interacted much with live fish up to this point but she still jumped up and tried her best. The attendants at the touch tanks were great at keeping the fish safe while still letting people interact with them.

There is a large two story fish tank at the far side of a walkway. This is the largest fish tank they have at the aquarium. Compared to the living shipwreck at the Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium, I found it rather underwhelming.

Lower Marine Building

Heading down the stairs/elevator, you will find the lower level of the aquarium. This is the last section of the aquarium. There is a recreation of a Megalodon jaw that attracts many people for photos. All of the tanks are densely located in one area. I did not find them particularly engaging and seemed a bit empty.

One of the odd parts of this area is a competitive Dolphin trivia game. Yes you read that right. There is a screen that shows questions about dolphin trivia with multiple choices. There are three stations that players can select their answers from. The Odd part is the animatronic dolphin that squeaks and moves when you answers questions.

Gift Shops and Playground

Madilyn’s favorite part was the nice new playground outside. There was a lot to do this dense space. I could sit in one spot and easily see the whole thing. With the nice fencing all around and the single entry/exit, it was perfect to enjoy on a mild day. There is also a concession stand out here that serves anything from snacks to meals.

Of course there is a lovable gift shop near the exit for you to pick up some memorabilia. We did not get anything this time but they do have a good variety. I believe the three NC aquariums have the exact same stock of items in most cases.

Animatronic Dolphins with Big Spaces

The massive atrium really gets you excited on the front end. Mainly from the shear size of the space. We enjoyed our visit but the animatronic dolphin trivia had me scratching my head by the end.



The Fort Fisher Aquarium is a nice add-on to your beach day trip to the Wilmington area. That being said, I preferred the depth and interactivity of Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium to Fort Fisher. Unless you are looking to drive 2+ hours out of your way, I still recommend checking out the Fort Fisher Aquarium if you are in the area.

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